You’re not alone in your journey through vision loss and blindness. El Paso Council of the Blind (EPCB) welcomes and accepts you. Guided by its members, EPCB advocates for equality of people who are blind and low vision, inspires community, and connects you with education, resources, and each other to support your independence.
Click on the audio player for messages from El Paso Council of the Blind
Mission Statement
The mission of the El Paso Council of the Blind is to improve the quality of life for all citizens of El Paso who are blind or visually impaired through advocacy and proactive participation in areas of education, employment, civil rights, and social inclusion.

What we do
We help set forth to society the awareness of the challenges of the blind and visually impaired persons. We help to set in motion changes in the world so that it is equally accessible to all, and we lend support to our fellow blind and visually impaired persons as well as to their families.